Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's a Party???

Anyone who knows me knows I am completely gay for Christmas. If my Christmas Spirit were to be personified just imagine Richard Simmons dressed in drag as Cher...while having sex with a man. I can't even describe how much I love it. This year the Christmas Spirit started creeping in around June. It just makes me so happy. I love the lights people put outside, the Christmas trees, poinsettias, candy canes, mulled wine, and overall merriment. I even stop loathing children for a few weeks. And don't even get me started on Christmas songs. Just recently a few of us spent the entire night singing Silent Night. One of us would take the higher soprano notes while the others rocked the baritone. It was magical. Those of you involved know who you are and you know you enjoyed it.

Needless to say when my new company sent out an email inviting us to the annual Christmas Party I was amongst the first to commit to going. Silly new girl. As soon as I RSVPed I started hearing the more senior co-workers plot ways to get out of going. I knew something was up when one of my co-workers decided to take two days off of work so she can say she's out of town. That's a bold statement.

The party's on a Thursday- Red Flag #1. The owners obviously schemed to have the party on a weekday to limit our alcohol intake. Not a fan. Red Flag #2- I learned a few days after the invitation email was sent that it's at the owner of the company's house. Awkward. Red Flag #3- I get another email a few days ago asking what I plan on bringing. "I'm sorry what do you mean?" Answer: "well it's a potlock so what dish will you be bringing to share? We have plenty of desserts and cheese plates." Um yeah no shit you have plenty of cheese plates and desserts. You best believe when given the option I will throw some velveta on a plate with some Ritz and never look back. And whaaa? A potluck? A potluck Christmas party? You should know that I work for a nice company- one that's doing really well. One that's doing really well because of the hard work put in daily by it's employees (namely other employees). Maybe splurge for some fucking chicken. Now I don't want this to turn into a thing... but can you guess the ethnicity of said employers??? Yeahhh I went there. Bah! Humbug!

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