Friday, January 14, 2011

A Girl Needs Her Gay

For those of you poor souls out there who don't have a flamboyantly homosexual boss, I feel for you. I have had the misfortune of working for the heteros more times than I would like to admit. The straights are the worst. This is the first time I've had the extreme pleasure of working for a gay man. He is the light of my life day. Whenever the owner of the company gets all in my grill (which happens to be daily) over making sales calls, booking more interviews, or whatever has her panties in a twist that day- James always has my back. And not just in a "well I'll go talk to HR" kind of way- but in a "ahhh hell no she didn't say that to you" and then storms into her office to tell her off kind of way. My little gay man heart skips a beat every time he comes to my rescue. I love him. I want to hang out with him on the weekends and watch Jersey Shore marathons (it's his favorite show btw) while sipping strawberry margaritas and painting eachothers' nails. I want to go to Fire Island and Palm Springs so we can let loose and be all kinds of gay. In other words, he makes me want to be a gayer man.

Here are some highlights of James' amazingness: The other day our division received a scathing email from a very big client of ours. It ripped us a new one saying how he plans to take his business elsewhere because we weren't able to fill a position he needed, we suck, etc. I was horrified that James would be angry that a client was so upset and we would have to kiss the clients ass to get him back. I was wrong. James wrote us a long email about how this guy is a joke and we don't specialize in the type of position he wanted us to fill (I work for a staffing agency PS). This is the kicker... James ended the email by saying "don't worry guys you're doing a great job. He just sucks so POO POO to him." HA!! I peed a little when I saw this. This is an email I got today from him:

No L’s


All the L’s are done……

I literally have no idea what he's talking about. But all I know is that I love him. For those of you who are unhappy in your jobs ask yourself this- is your boss a raging hetero? because if he/she is you need to get out now. As in get yourself all dolled up in some hot pants and some sexy heels, put on the makeup (regardless of your gender), pound some shots, get yourself to West Hollywood and start NETWORKING SOME GAYS. It's the only way to survive this corporate bullshit.

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