Ah, the inevitable question. After a lay-off this along with the 'so how's your job search going?' question are unavoidable. I suppose it might not occur to the average person that a 'job search' would interfere with my afternoon movie marathons. My dad literally called me 2 days after he found out I got laid off to ask me about my five-year plan. No joke. Umm, if you offered me $10,000 to give you my 5 day plan I would have some difficulty. This is my favorite part of that conversation... My dad adds his opinion that I have gone wrong in the past because I have worked for smaller companies and I should really consider going after something "more corporate". (pause for effect). Good to know we're on the same page. I was tempted to email him a link to this blog and turn off my phone for a month.
So what is my plan? My plan is just this: I will travel to visit my family in Indiana, and then my mother who lives overseas. That takes me to the end of March when I will be back in LA. At that point I will find whatever job(s) will pay cash so I can ride the system as much as possible (unless of course you work for the State of CA in which case I have been open and available for work, I have been actively looking for work, and I have not left the country at all). Perhaps I'll become the super nanny of LA. Disregard my open disdain of small children and I'm sure it'll become annoying to constantly dodge sexual advances from frustrated husbands who aren't getting laid by their perma-pregnant wives, but the pay is good and most importantly- it's cold hard cash. I nannied in college and to this day that was my most lucrative job. Or perhaps a bohemian book store in Venice? The sky is my limit. As long as there aren't cubicles involved I'm happy.
We're leaving in 2 years for our trip around the world. Does that mean I need to re-enter life behind a cubicle to become a cerebral prostitute again? What if I can make just as much money nannying for the next two years? Bike rides to yoga, jogs on the beach, travel whenever I want, energy for nightly shags (unless of course I'm too tired after yoga).... sounds pretty incredible to me.
My dad will be so proud.
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